Testimonials for Tree Pro
I have been using Tree Pro Tree Protectors for 11 years with incredible success. I have planted approximately 1000 trees with your products with 90% plus survival rate.
Here in Kentucky, our soil is very compact and clay. We use a 12 inch post hole digger to establish our planting hole. We then take a 10 ft piece of electrical conduit and drive into the empty hole. This is done in case we hit rock and need to move the tree spike (conduit). We then mix 50/50 (by weight) peat moss and sand. We locate the bare root tree close to the spike and fill the hole with the peat/sand mixture and dirt. We then install the Tree Pro Tree protector and mulch the base.
We have used this method on poplar, white oak, filberts and European oaks with equal success.
I am a newcomer to planting seedling trees and shrubs but I did figure that I would need something to protect their tender bark from the many rabbits that are here. So, I looked up a list of sellers and chose two: Treepro and another. Treepro was clearly the superior product to use - Hands down. I have ordered again now as a result of first test.
Treepro came in a package with the tubes being round and 2 zip ties already inserted and ready to go. I did not appreciate the zip ties being in there until after I had to put the other kind together.
The other guys came as flat sleeves that I had to make round by repeatedly bending them and they ended up more of a rectangle than a circle. And a kind twist tie that resembles the wire that you use to carry the signal to a TV roof antenna. No fun to slide through the holes they had punched in or try to tighten by twisting the sides together.
Your top and bottom sleeves were cuffed (folded over a bit) - the other guys....nope.
I picked the white oak stakes and they worked perfect. Nice and pointy, very solid, easy to pound in. The other guy's were fiberglass and triangular and the flat part between the triangle edges is supposed to be flush against now round sleeve.....again, not so easy.
Sorry if this is a little long, but all of these pieces//parts make yours the clear best choice for me.
Brad, South Carolina
I am a tree tube believer now. Have a look at the picture. This is a black walnut that I started from seed after stratifying in the fridge. I planted 3 seeds per nursery pot to get them started. Once they were a few inches tall, I transplanted them by augering a 12” x 36” hole and removed the pot and planted the trio of seedlings in the same hole. I let them go for a few weeks to make sure there was no mortality and then I selected one of the 3 to put the tube over but all 3 were the same size at the time of tubing. This tree has been tubed since around July 4. As you can see from the picture, the growth is remarkable. Of trees planted at the same time and at the same height at the time of tubing, the one in the tube is over 60” tall and the un-tubed tree is only about 20” tall.
It's not a cheap solution but it is a good solution to get the trees going. The tube gets them vertical, protects from deer browse and also lets me spray herbicide without risk to the tree.
Noel P. Viriginia
This was my first year using Tree Pro Miracle Tubes. Only time will tell how well they work, but the durable construction, translucent color that allows you to see the tree, strategically placed air vents and the amazing, personal customer service are all good signs. Thanks Tommy and Jeff for a great buying experience.
Dave K. New York
I ordered 400 Miracle Tubes for mixed hardwood and coniferous saplings , along with mats, stakes and fertilizer.....18 months on I have had tremendous results with sapling growth both height and diameter. The service in helping me choose the products I needed, delivery and answering after delivery questions was fantastic. There is no other product that I would use and no other supplier....first class.
"This summer we used Tubex, Tree House and Tree Pro protectors. For ease of installation, checking the seedlings' progress, opening up the tree shelter in the fall (to permit the seedling to harden off for the winter), and closing it up again for winter protection, Tree Pro is the best designed tree shelter."
"I started using your miracle tube product in the spring of this year and they have had stellar results. I used 4 ft miracle grow tubes for red maple seedlings that were 2 ft or less tall and as of this writing, many of them are already peeking out of the top of the tube. Wow! That is amazing."
"Last fall I purchased 12 sawtooth oaks from a friend and he included your Tree Pro tree protectors. Luckily for me, he would not sell the trees without the protectors. The previous year I planted 24 trees and only three lived. This year all 12 are in great shape and have shown a 250 to 300 percent size increase since planting! Unreal!. I will never plant another tree without one!! Thank you!
Paul Easley, 1990 Illinois Tree Farmer of the Year
"We stuck [Tree Pro] tubes over a couple of acorns as they sprouted out of the ground and, to my amazement, they outgrew some of the nursery stock."
Jim Hissom,Pennsylvania Forest Stewardship Program
"Thanks to 48 and 60-inch Miracle Tube shelters, The growth [of 16 American Chestnuts and 20 black cherry cultivars] was phenomenal, despite the unusual amount of rain."
"I put some red cedars in tubes last year and they did great. Thanks. Your products are amazing!"