What Happens if the Tree Tube is on too long?
There are many problems with other, closed-type protectors, such as the cherry tree shown below. They attract mice and cause die-back and promote tree mold. Miracle Tube and Tree Pro protectors have built in features that keep your protectors from strangling your trees. Miracle Tube manufacturing process places linear lines in the tube walls that split as the tree trunk puts pressure on the tube, as shown below. Secondly, a razor perforation line runs the length of the tube which splits as tube ages and pressure is applied. These are fail safes only. We recommend inspecting your planting to remove your tubes once the trees base diameter reaches the tubes diameter. None of us want plastic in our woods.

Tree Tube without Razor Line.
This tree tube is lacking a razor or laser line. The tree is starting to be choked by the tube as it can't break the tube open to force the tube to fall away.

Miracle Tube Grow Tube Zipper Effect
Miracle Tube Grow Tube is unzipping away from the truck as the tree grows.